A Vibrant Food and Nutrition Secure County.

An innovative, commercially oriented agriculture in Kisumu County.

Sector Goal
Achieve food and nutrition security and commercially sustainable agriculture

Mandate of the Department
  • Promote irrigation and drainage
  • Establishment and strengthening of Irrigation Water Users Associations (IWUAs)
  • Promote water harvesting and storage
  • Promote use of improved and certified seeds and other appropriate inputs for production
  • Enhance extension services
  • Promote soil fertility management practices
  • Promote climate smart technologies e.g. solar powered systems
  • Promote and operationalize appropriate modern technologies on mechanization to reduce cost of production
  • Promote market access and affordable credit facilities
  • Diversify crop and livestock production
  • Review and formulate Legal/Policy framework
  • Promote agro-processing and value addition.
  • Enhance surveillance and early warning systems
  • Capacity build youth, women and staff in modern agribusiness knowledge and skills
  • Develop accurate crop, fisheries and livestock resource database
  • Promote fodder and pasture development
  • Promote appropriate water harvesting techniques for livestock use
  • Promote breed improvement
  • Promote Pest and Disease control and management
  • Promote Farm input subsidies
  • Promote prudent use of microbial
  • Promote establishment of feedlot production
  • Enhance quality assurance of livestock products
  • Promote agricultural insurance
  • Promote animal welfare issues
  • Promote capture and culture fish production
  • Promote diversification of fish farming methods and as products
  • Promote fisheries infrastructure development

Physical Location: Prosperity House, 11th and 5th Floor.
County Executive Committee MemberMr. Kenneth Onyango

Chief Officer: Mr. Daniel Otieno Okia