Sector composition:

Sector Composition

 The sector comprises of Early Childhood Development and Education, Vocational Education and Training, Innovation and Social Services.


To be the leading provider of Quality foundational Education, Vocational training, Innovation and Social Services


To provide excellent and vibrant leadership in offering foundational education, technical training and social services through integration of innovation in service delivery for the development of productive human capacity in Kisumu County.


Mandate of the Department
  • Recruitment of ECDE teachers and Quality Assurance and Standards officers
  • Construction of ECD infrastructure, Provision of teaching/learning materials and play equipment
  • Provision of Sustainable feeding program
  • Develop and operationalize county ECDE policy and Act
  • In collaboration with MOE ,identify ,assess and place learners with disability in inclusive schools
  • Establish County Education information Management system
  • Recruitment of VTC trainers and Quality Assurance and Standards officers
  • Construction of VTC infrastructure, Provision of training /instructional materials, tools and equipment
  • Develop and operationalize county VET policy and Act
  • Upgrade seven VTCs to model status in each sub county. This will be used for bench marking by other VTCs, have resource centres and modern equipment.
  • Establish TVET information Management system
  • Establish one innovation hub in each sub county and equip the innovation hub.
  • Create awareness on available technologies for adoption
  • Organize annual innovation and exhibition week.
  • Establish career development offices
  • Establish production units in VTCs for income generation.
  • Provide opportunities for accessing and undertaking online employment
  • Strengthening of family promotion and protection
  • Promote child participation in matters affecting them
  • Promote investment and entrepreneurship among communities for participation in socio economic activities
  • Mainstream issues of disability in all sectors and establish database for the marginalized and vulnerable persons
  • Establishment of childcare centres.
  • Develop community resilience through economic empowerment.
  • Develop a multi sectoral coordination of all social protection schemes.
  • Establish County Bursary and Scholarships Management system.


Physical Location: Prosperity House, 10th Floor.
County Executive Committee Member: Mr. John Awiti
Chief Officer: Mr. Bovince Ochieng