The County Government of Kisumu, through the directorate of Climate Change having institutionalized the Climate Change Policy and Act 2020, is now set to roll out its structures and framework up to the Ward Level.
It is on this premise that the County in partnership with Christian Aid International – Kenya organized a two – day workshop at Vitoria suits Hotel, in Kisumu to sensitize the Climate Change Planning Committee to understand their roles as well as the framework.
While presiding over the official opening of the workshop, the Director Environment Research and policies Mr. Dan Ong’or reiterated how climate change issues are key to any development, hence the county has mainstreamed its issues in the budgeting processes and in the concept papers.
He commended the Christian Aid International – Kenya for their support saying the deliberations are key to the implementation of Climate Change activities in the county.
Sentiments echoed by the Director Environment Stewardship, Mr. Ken Koyooh who said that the Climate Change committee is the fulcrum towards the achievement of Climate Change goals and that the training sessions will spearhead the implementation and setting of the Climate Change agenda in the county.
The County has also made great strides after the enactment of the Climate Change Policy and Act 2020 in December last year.
So far, the Directorate has rolled out the establishment of Ward Climate Change Planning Committees and drafted Climate Change Fund Regulations that has been submitted to the Cabinet.
The Christian Aid International Kenyan Chapter has also supported six counties including Kisumu, Kisii, Kakamega, Vihiga, Bomet and Nandi on climate governance projects in the LREB region since 2018.
The facilitators were: county Director Climate Change Mr. Evans Gichana, County Director M & E Mr. Baridi Manyasi, Mr. Milton Ogada of Christian Aid International, Mr Hausner Wendo and Esperanza Karaho both from Aadaptation Consortium.