Kisumu County Department of Livestock has embarked on fodder conservation and preservation to ensure availability of dairy feed throughout the year within the County.
It is against this light that led to the commissioning of 1,000-capacity hay bale structure at Nyamaroka in South East Nyakach presided over by the County Director Livestock Mr. Charles Kakuku.
The initiative is also expected to be a source of income generating component in the dairy cooperative management structure.
It is one of the projects undertaken to promote dairy value chain development, which also include the procurement and distribution of motorized silage choppers to the cooperative Societies within the county.
So far 4 motorized silage choppers were procured and distributed to the dairy cooperative societies namely: Seme, Seke, Kajulu and Nyakach
While commissioning the hay bale structure in Nyakach, the Director, Mr. Charles Kakuku, reaffirmed Governor Nyong’o’s commitment to support farmers in putting food on their tables and money in their pockets.
Director Kakuku applauded the cordial working relations that exist between the department and the area MCA, Hon. Guya towards the development of a dairy industry in his Ward.
He noted that previously, Hon Guya put an allocation in the Ward Development Fund that saw dairy farmers in his area receive 200 breeding dairy cattle.
On his part, Hon. Guya thanked the Governor and promised to work closely with the elected MCA to ensure South East Nyakach becomes a model dairy farming Ward, as he envisages the establishment of a milk-processing unit in their Ward.
By: Emily Mikwa