Day three of a series of community engagement workshops held at KAG hall in Nyalenda, Kisumu came to a close today.

While giving his closing remarks, the Coordinator of Generation Restoration Project, Mr Erick Ogadho called on the participants to be agents of change and implement best practices learnt to restore Auji River.
” Knowledge without action is an exercise in futility” said Mr. Ogadho
In charting the way forward, he told the participants that they will have practical lessons on tree nursery establishments, and clean ups of River Auji. He also tasked them to disseminate the knowledge and skills they have acquired to the members of the community.

The key areas covered during the three days of training were: nature based solutions in urban planning and circular economy in waste management, nature based solutions for sustainable tourism development and tree nursery establishment.
Day one training was attended by youth leaders and community representatives, while day two had the women group leaders and day three members of Community Based Organizations ( CBOs)
The facilitators were officers from: the County Government of Kisumu, National Environment Management Authority, Kenya Wildlife Service and Kenya Forestry Research Institute.
The training was supported by the Generation Restoration Project, funded by UNEP in collaboration with ICLEI.