The County Department of Education is committed to upholding the transformative Early Childhood Development (ECD) with the intention of scaling-up high-quality Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs for Kisumu.

In a remarkable collaboration with Play Action International, the County seeks to develop investment in ECD with a focus on curriculum development and capacity building of teachers.

The CEO Play Action International Ms. Murielle Maupoint together with her team of experts, successfully conducted a comprehensive fact finding mission in Kisumu aimed at identifying areas of partnership and support. The CEO cited that Play Action International seeks to partner with the county to foster a transformative Early childhood program, establishing a vocation training center as well as establishing a green energy innovation park in Muhoroni Subcounty.

According to Ms. Maupoint the Play Action International is committing support of USD 50M funding to go towards construction and establishment of 47 modern ECD centers across the county and another USD. 4M towards the Nyangoma green energy innovation park in Muhoroni subcounty.

In a two days fact finding mission,the team visited Baby Pendo park, Seme TTC, Sang’oro, and Nyangoma green energy innovation park .

This successful collaboration highlights the importance of joint efforts in enhancing the capacity to foster early childhood development and to enhance the impact of ECD initiatives in the county.