The identification and enlisting of community institutions that are key in steering the implementation of the National Value Chain Development project (NAVCDP)is ongoing in Kisumu.
The exercise has been done in some Wards while others are preparing for the same. They are to identify seven representatives who form the community driven development committee (CDDC).
They include land scape management committee (LMC) who assist in implementation of micro catchment plan, collect data, do inventory of farmers interested in llfarmer led irrigation development and sustainable land management.
The social audit and integrity committee (SAIC) who do oversight to ensure accountability and transparency of community resources and they are also part of governance redress mechanism at the Ward level. CIGs and VMGs
The committee members will be working on voluntary basis.
The CDDC is the entry point for NAVCDP initiatives. They have a structure where four members form the executive (the Chairperson, Vice chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer). The procurement sub committee comprises Chairperson, Secretary and a member together with an ex official who is not elected, either the Chief or the Ward Administrator.
The members of the committee are composed of active members of CIGs in the selected five value chains namely: rice, tomatoes,cotton, dairy and chicken
The committee is mandated to implement the community development plan, mobilize members to form common interest groups( CIGs) , vulnerable and marginalized groups (VMGs), farmer producer organizations and SCCOs.
The committee is also tasked with the management of community resources.